Gryphon Clubs


Thank you!

Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for coming to my page to help support the University of Guelph's Intercollegiate Hunt Seat Team. I've been so lucky to have been chosen as one of it's members and it really has made my first year at Guelph an amazing experience. Unfortunately, the university does not fund us and so we are entirely student run and funded.

If you could give any type of donation it would be amazing as transportation, hotel and coaching fees really add up throughout the season.

Thank you so much!



As a member of the varsity team, I'm participating in this unique fundraiser that directly supports my experience as a student athlete. Adopt-a-Gryphon funds are used to purchase team equipment, support out-of-conference competitions or provide additional training aids.

We know our fans and supporters make a big difference, and I want to thank you for considering a pledge to support our team. Your gift will improve my experience as a student-athlete and make our team more competitive.

To make a gift, click the link to the right and help me meet my personal target. All gifts will receive an automatic e-receipt from U of G.

Thanks for your support!