Gryphon Clubs


Gryphon Clubs - Equestrian 2016-2017

Gryphon Clubs - Equestrian 2017

The University of Guelph's IHSA riders are participating in this unique fundraiser which directly supports their experience as a student athlete. Adopt-a-Gryphon funds are used to reduce the cost of travel, hotel bookings, and team equipment for the student athletes.

We know our fans and supporters make a big difference, and we want to thank you for considering a pledge to support our team. Your gift will improve our experience as a student-athlete and make our team more competitive.

To make a gift, click the link to the right and help us meet our target. All gifts will receive an automatic e-receipt from U of G.

Thanks for your support!

Gryphon Clubs - Equestrian 2017 - Join Team
Emily McKague
Aimee Aubin
Lawren Brockelsby
Haley Clark
Sarah Creasor
Kate Cridland
Elizabeth Desjardins
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Diederichs
Claire Dinsmore
Kathleen Donaghey
Meredith Ferlatte
Audrey Guyonnet
Cortney Hayhurst
Elizabeth Hiscock
Meghan Jones
Katherine King
Melanie Lanoue
Mary Loggan
Rowan Longmore
Breanne Lywood
Lauren Phinney
Lucita Pronk
Karin Rathgeber
Sarah Ricker
Jade St. Peter
Sydney Swartz
Danielle Wood
Denotes a Team Captain