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Adopt-A-Gryphon 2017

Track and Field

Welcome to the Guelph Gryphon Track and Field Warm Weather Camp Fundraising Page

The University of Guelph track and field and cross country program has grown into the premiere program in Canada, having won 31 National Championships.  Over the past decade over 70 athletes associated with the program have competed internationally for Canada, including 9 Olympians, making Guelph the standard by which other University athletics programs are judged in Canada.  Our aspirations are to continue serving out student-athletes to the best of our abilities, and ultimately become the best collegiate track and field/cross country program in North America.

The athletic success will always remain secondary to our overarching goal of helping young people develop into good citizens.   Our athletes are heavily involved in the community and their success on the field of play is surpassed by their excellence in the community and classroom. 

Through our Adopt-A-Gryphon campaign we will endeavour to give our athletes access to a world-class warm weather training camp experience before our competitive season begins in second semster.  Funds from this campaign will go towards costs associated with travel, room and board, ground transportation, training facility access, and staff.    

We believe that the Gryphon track and field program is unique in Canada in our ability to compete with the best programs in North America.  With your support we can continue to develop world-class people, students, and athletes. 

Track and Field - Join Team
Jason Kerr
Denotes a Team Captain